Inside the Mind of the Sunflower Spirit

Why is Celebrity Gossip So Popular?

Why is Celebrity Gossip So Popular?

Our screens are being taken over by other people’s lives in today’s society. Why is celebrity gossip so popular, and how does it affect us?

Why is Celebrity Gossip So Popular?

Our screens are being taken over by other people’s lives in today’s society. Why is celebrity gossip so popular, and how does it affect us?

Reflections for a Deeper Connection

Reflections for a Deeper Connection

Affirmations and inspiration to navigate the winds of change and transformation.

Reflections for a Deeper Connection

Affirmations and inspiration to navigate the winds of change and transformation.

Chakra Alignment Exercises

Chakra Alignment Exercises

Chakra exercises to help your energy remain balanced and in flow!

Chakra Alignment Exercises

Chakra exercises to help your energy remain balanced and in flow!

Songs to Relax To

Songs to relax to... reposted from the Spiritual Sunflower's wordpress blog.

Songs to Relax To

Songs to relax to... reposted from the Spiritual Sunflower's wordpress blog.

Free affirmations, spiritual tools and other offerings

Spiritual Sunflower Downloads

Positive Affirmations for Self Love and Healthy Relationships

15 positive affirmations to attract happiness, self love, abundance, and healthy relationships. Hang this poster by your mirror, fridge, or next to your bed to connect with these affirmations daily.

Click here to download!

Self Empowerment Affirmations

10 positive affirmations for self empowerment, confidence, and grounding.

Click here to download!

Crystal Grid for Self Empowerment

Step by step instructions for setting up your own crystal grid with the intention of building self confidence and grounding in your being.

Click here to download!

Affirmations for Manifestation

15 affirmations for manifesting your dream life and aligning with your best self.

Click here to download!

Simple & Fun Tools for Manifesting Your Dream Life

This is a seven page guidebook with rituals, crystals, and visualizations for manifesting your dream life. You have the power to manifest and experience everything you desire in life.

Click here to download!

Journal Prompts for Manifesting Your Dream Life

30 journal prompts to help you clarify, envision, align with, and manifest your dreams. I recommend spending five to ten minutes a day reflecting on these questions in a journal.

Click here to download the manifestation journaling challenge!

Shadow Work Affirmations

9 affirmations for embracing your shadow self and releasing what is holding you back.

Click here to download!

Journal Prompts for Shadow Work

30 days of journaling prompts for shedding light on your shadow and embracing all parts of your being. I recommend completing one entry a day in your journal, and just let your thoughts and feelings flow as you answer them.

Click here to download!

Affirmations for Attracting Love

15 affirmations for building a more loving relationship with yourself and your surroundings.

Click here to download!